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Names Of God In Igbo Language and Meanings

Names of God in Igbo language is unlimited and each having deep and extraordinary meanings. And because this ethnic group have rich culture, it shows richly in how they acknowledge God through these names. Learn these extraordinary names and maybe you will find something new about his supremacy.

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Names Of God In Igbo Language And Their Meanings

1. Eze Ndi Eze

  • Meaning: King of Kings. It designates God as the king over other kings on earth. Which means that every king and kingdom submits to his authority.
  • Commonly Used: This name is used when praising God.

2. Odogwu Akataka

  • Meaning: Fearless warrior. It designates God as never turning his back on any fight but always capable to go into any battle and return victorious.
  • Commonly Used: This name is commonly used when praising God or generating him to fight on one’s behalf.

3. Chukwu

  • Meaning: This means that God is the first and the source of every other thing. This name is very important to the Igbo people as it precedes many other names of God and even names given to people because it presents God as the source and the first.
  • Commonly Used: To praise God, acknowledging him as the first and the source of every other thing.

4. Obata Obie

  • Meaning: One that enters and every trouble ceases. The Igbos believe in the power of God to end every struggle, or trouble once he shows up.
  • Commonly Used: In praise or when entreating him to show up in any turbulence, struggles, or difficult situations.

5. Ejide Obi Esike

  • Meaning: My confidence
  • Commonly Used: When people face challenges or risky situations and trust in God as their confidence to face the situation head-on and have victory.

6. Echeta Echezo Nkpa

  • Meaning: One that when I remember, I forget my worries/sorrows
  • Commonly Used: When people are faced with challenges. Remembering God makes them so joyful that every other thing becomes insignificant.

7. Chi ne Cherem

  • Meaning: “Chi” is a short form of Chukwu. As mentioned earlier, most Igbo names have chi or Chukwu preceding the names. Chi ne cherem which means that God thinks about/for me.
  • Commonly Used: This name is commonly used in praise/worship or when in difficult situations. Igbos have a strong belief that God thinks about men and their needs.

8. Di Nwanyi Isi Mkpe

  • Meaning: Husband of the widow. Some believe that this is sentimental as it seems to appeal specifically to God’s relationship with widows. But it is a very important name in the Igbo tribe as it signifies that God fights for the widow and takes care of her.
  • Commonly Used: In praise and by widows when faced with challenges that they need help.

9. Ikuku Ama na onya

  • Meaning: The wind that can’t be trapped. No one can set a trap for the wind. So it is a belief that God is like the wind that can’t be trapped. You cannot see him, as you cannot see wind, so you can’t trap him.
  • Commonly Used: In worship and when adoring God.

10. Dike Na’gha

  • Meaning: Mighty Man of War
  • Commonly Used: The Igbo people engage this name when facing very difficult situations where they need the intervention of God. They believe God to be a warrior.

11. Chineke Nke Mara Ihe Nile

Meaning: God who knows everything. (The All-Knowing God)

Commonly Used: When misfortunes come to people, the Igbo people believe that God knows everything and that he must be up to something to have allowed such things to befall an individual.

12. Chineke Na-enye Ndu

  • Meaning: The God who gives life (Life Giver). God is known as the source of life, and to proclaim that, the name was given.
  • Commonly Used: This name is common while praising and adoring God, or when faced with a life-threatening situation where His intervention is needed.

13. Chinaza Ekpere

  • Meaning: The God that answers prayers (the prayer answering God) Some people give their children this names in other to let the children know they are the answers to prayers and to let people know that God answered their prayers.
  • Commonly Used: When praying or as a testimony that God answers prayer.

14. Chi nenye Nwa

  • Meaning: The God that gives children (giver of children). In Igboland, God is seen as the giver of children, thus, this name is also given to children in remembrance that it is God who has given them.
  • Commonly Used: In praise and worship to God and also by people who are trusting God for children.

15. Chioma

  • Meaning: This is interpreted as Good God. It means that God is good and there is nothing bad in him.
  • Commonly Used: When recounting God’s goodness, people use the name to remind God how good he is.

16. Chukwuemeka

  • Meaning: God has done well. It’s like praising someone for a job well done or doing something great. It is also given to children to thank God for doing a great thing by giving the child.
  • Commonly Used: Commonly used when praising and adoring God for a work well done

17. Eze Ebere

  • Meaning: The merciful King (the King of Mercy) It is believed that God is merciful, abundant in mercy and does not count the wrongs of people.
  • Commonly Used: mostly used when acknowledging, recounting or testifying of God’s mercies.

18. Amama Amasi Amasi

  • Meaning: The God who can’t be figured out. God that can’t be truly comprehended. God is a mystery
  • Commonly Used: When in awe of the things God has done or when one can not really comprehend what God is up to.

19. Ojena Mmuo

  • Meaning: The God who moves in the spirit. It is a strong belief that God is a spirit and cannot be seen but works in the spirit realm
  • Commonly Used: In praise and adoration or when people expect God to work mystically on their behalf.

20. Gaga N’ Ogwu

  • Meaning: The God that walks on thorns. Which means he handles difficult situations without pressure.
  • Commonly Used: When people expect him to work out difficult situations.

21. Nkume Mgbe Ebighi Ebi

  • Meaning: Solid Rock that is everlasting (The Rock of Ages); meaning that God can be trusted forever
  • Commonly Used: In worship or as testimony or reassurance that He can be trusted.

22. Mmanwu n’eti onwe ya

  • Meaning: A masquerade that operates alone. In Igboland, big masquerades are usually introduced, this name here suggests that God needs no formal introduction as He is big enough by himself and only his presence introduces him. In other words, God does not need anyone to be God. He is God, all by himself.
  • Commonly Used: In worship, praise and adoration

23. Ebube mbekumbe

  • Meaning: The God who is glorious forever
  • Commonly Used: In worship, praise and adoration

24. Ekwueme

  • Meaning: The God who does what he says. When God says a thing, he definitely does it
  • Commonly Used: In worship or when entreating God to perform or keep to his words/covenant

25. Igwe

  • Meaning: King. It’s a title of one’s royalty and kingship
  • Commonly Used: This name is used when worshipping God, reminding Him of his royalty and kingship.

26. Ogaranya Ngadanga

  • Meaning: The wealthiest of all. The richest
  • Commonly Used: In worship, praise and adoration

27. Obata Ulo Adi Mma

  • Meaning: When He comes into a stormy situation, he brings peace (The peacemaker)
  • Commonly Used: In worship, praise, and adoration or when entreating the Lord to bring peace in turbulent situations and circumstances.

28. Agu Bata Ohia Mgbada Awara Oso

  • Meaning: The lion that comes into the forest and every other animal flees. Suggesting that God is highly feared/reverenced that at His emergence/appearance, everything submits
  • Commonly Used: In worshipping God and when entreating him to show up for you

29. Ebighibi Eluigwe

  • Meaning: The Everlasting God in Heaven
  • Commonly Used: When praising God, reminding Him that he is ever-living and cannot die

30. Chi No Na’Eluigwe Ogodo Ya N’akpu Na Ala

  • Meaning: God who sits in heaven and his robe touches the whole earth
  • Commonly Used: In worship, reminding God how big, great and mighty he is

31. Onye Ukwu N’ogbo Agha

  • Meaning: The mighty one who is also mighty in battle
  • Commonly Used: People engage this name when facing very difficult situations where they need the intervention of God to fight their battle or on their behalf

32. Okechi

  • Meaning: The great/mighty God. This greatness is both in his abilities, and the things he does
  • Commonly Used: In prayer, worshipping God for his greatness.

33. Chiemerie

  • Meaning: This means that God has won. This name is also given to children in remembrance of a victory God had given either during conception or birth.
  • Commonly Used: In praise and worship thanking God for the victory that he has won on one’s behalf.

34. Nnukwu Chukwu

  • Meaning: The big God. This is both in size and his capacity to do things
  • Commonly Used: In prayer, worshipping God for his greatness.

35. Chi Ka Chi Nile

  • Meaning: The God who is greater than other gods. All other gods submit to him
  • Commonly Used: In worship, praise and adoration

36. Chukwu Olu Ebube

  • Meaning: The God that does glorious things
  • Commonly Used: This name is commonly used when He is praised for his wondrous works.

37. Oke Mmiri N’ebu Ogwe

  • Meaning: The great flood that carries the bridge. Which means that God is unstoppable.
  • Commonly Used: Usually used in worship as a reminder that He is absolutely unstoppable.

38. Ogbajiri Igwe Kpo Ya Nku

  • Meaning: He that breaks irons with his hands and calls it wood.
  • Commonly Used: In prayer, reminding God that nothing is too hard for him to handle

39. Oloro Ihe Loro Enyi

  • Meaning: He that swallows what swallowed an elephant
  • Commonly Used: In prayer reminding God he is so big, he can handle any situation and can destroy anything that has come to destroy you no matter how big that thing is.

40. Otigburu Agbara N’ihu Mmuo ya

  • Meaning: He that kills a spirit in front of his shrine. He is strong enough to do what He does and no one will question Him because He is the greatest.
  • Commonly Used: In prayer reminding God He is so big and strong enough to destroy any force(s) after you, even before their own altar.

41. Chineke

  • Meaning: The God that creates Or the creator God. Igbos have a very strong belief that God is the creator of all things.
  • Commonly Used: In worship as a way of reminding God of His creative power or when entreating Him to show up with His creative powers.

42. Oke Mmuo

  • Meaning: The great spirit (The Spirit of Spirits). Spirits exist according the believe of the Igbo tribe but God is the greatest of all spirits. He rules every spirit.
  • Commonly Used: In worship, praise and adoration acknowledging God as one who every other spirit is subject.

43. O Ji Obara Akpu Nwa N’afo

  • Meaning: The God who forms a child with blood in the womb. The God who mysteriously forms a baby in the womb.
  • Commonly Used: In prayer by those trusting God for conception.

44. O’gbara Nkiti Okwu Juru Onu

  • Meaning: He that has so much to say but decides to keep quiet. It is believed that God allows people to do whatever they want but in the end, He has the final say.
  • Commonly Used: In worship as a way of acknowledging God as one who has the final say.

45. Chi bu ike

  • Meaning: God is strength. The name comes from the belief that strength comes from God to do all things, both physical and spiritual
  • Commonly Used: In adoration, acknowledging God as your strength.

46. Chi Mezie

  • Meaning: The God who restores whatever is lost or repairs what is damaged.
  • Commonly Used: In adoration, acknowledging that no matter what one loses, no matter how long it takes that God has the ability to restore.

47. Ife Anyi Chukwu

  • Meaning: There is nothing God can’t do. Nothing is impossible for God. There is no impossibility with God.
  • Commonly Used: In worship as a way of acknowledging God as one whom there is no impossibility with.

48. Chi Nedu

  • Meaning: The God who leads. The Igbos believe that God has a path set for every man and that He leads men in their path
  • Commonly Used: This name is used in acknowledgement that God is one who directs one’s path and by those trusting God to lead or direct them in the right path.

49. Ebube Dike

  • Meaning: The glorious warrior. He wars with his glory and returns gloriously
  • Commonly Used: In adoration, acknowledging God as the glorious warrior, one who wars on your behalf and comes out gloriously.

50. Chim Amanda

  • Meaning: My God will not fail me.
  • Commonly Used: In adoration, acknowledging God as one who never fails. There is never a time when God fails to come through

51. Chi Som Aga

  • Meaning: The God who goes with me. No matter where you go, God goes with you
  • Commonly Used: In worship, acknowledging God as one who is ever with you.

52. Eze Ifeoma

  • Meaning: The God of good fortune.
  • Commonly Used: In worship, acknowledging God as the one who holds all good things. Everything good comes from Him.

53. Chukwu Nke Mara Obim

  • Meaning: The God who knows my heart
  • Commonly Used: When expressing one’s love for God or the love one shares with Him.

54. Oku N’ere Ere

  •  Meaning: The consuming fire
  • Commonly Used: In worship acknowledging God as the consuming fire

55. Chi Bu Ikem Na Ekwuputa Nkwuputam

  • Meaning: The GOD who speaks on my behalf
  • Commonly Used: People refer to the name when they need God to defend them.

56. Chi Na Zo

  • Meaning: The God who delivers/saves
  • Commonly Used: People refer to the name when they need God’s deliverance or to save them

57. Chi Bu Okem

  • Meaning: Meaning God is my portion
  • Commonly Used: In acknowledgement of God being one’s portion

58. O Ji Nkata Eku Mmiri

  • Meaning: He who uses a basket to fetch water. This means that he does the impossible and no situation is too damaged for him to deal with.
  • Commonly Used: In prayer, entreating God to fix things or do the seemingly impossible things on one’s behalf.

59. Chi Dera

  • Meaning: The GOD that writes and it’s irrevocable
  • Commonly Used: In prayer, acknowledging that all God has spoken or written about one is valid and not revocable.

60. Chim Amaka

  • Meaning: God is beautiful
  • Commonly Used: When in awe of God’s wonders and good works

61. Chi no Nso

  • Meaning: God who is close. This name is also given to children suggesting the closeness of God to them
  • Commonly Used: In praise and worship, acknowledging his closeness to us no matter where we are.

62. Onye Nzoputa

  • Meaning: The Saviour
  • Commonly Used: In praise and worship, acknowledging God as the saviour of mankind or when entreating him to show up as one who saves.

63. Chi Nwe Ike

  • Meaning: God who owns all power (One who all power belongs to)
  • Commonly Used: In praise and worship, acknowledging God as the all-powerful

64. Osu Ofia Ukwu

  • Meaning: One who clears a thick forest with his hands. Meaning that nothing is too hard for him
  • Commonly Used: When acknowledging or praising God for his ability and capability to do all things

65. Agu N’eche Mba

  • Meaning: The lion that protects the community/nation/tribe/people
  • Commonly Used: As a way of acknowledging God as one who watches, keeps and protects the nations or his people.

66. Anya Na Ele Uwa

  • Meaning: The eyes that watch the whole world. Which means that nothing can be hidden from him.
  • Commonly Used: As a way of acknowledging God as one who watches, and sees all things. Nothing can be hidden from him.

67. Ebube Ndi Nso

  • Meaning: The God who is the glory of his people. He clothes his people with his glory.
  • Commonly Used: In adoration and worship

68. Chi Na Edobe Ogbugba Ndu

  • Meaning: The God that keeps the covenant (The Covenant Keeping God) The covenant keeper
  • Commonly Used: To remind God of his words/covenants and the fact that He will not fail to keep them.

69. Obi N’igwe

  • Meaning: The God whose abode is in heaven. God’s dwelling is not with men but in heaven as is a popular belief among the Igbos.
  • Commonly Used: In adoration and worship

70. Nwanne Otu Onye

  • Meaning: Brother or friend to the lonely.
  • Commonly Used: As a way of acknowledging God as one who identifies with the lonely. If a man has nothing or no one, God will always be there for you.

71. Isi Iyi Nke Ndu

  • Meaning: The fountain of life. This means that God is the source of life
  • Commonly Used: As a way of acknowledging God as the source and giver of life and to entreat Him to give life to issues, circumstances and people that are at the verge of dying.

72. Oke Osisi Na Enye Ndu

  • Meaning: The great tree that gives life. The source of life. The one that gives you life once you meet Him, you have life.
  • Commonly Used: A way of acknowledging God as the source and giver of life

73. Osimiri Ata-ata

  • Meaning: The ocean that never dries up.
  • Commonly Used: As a way of acknowledging God as the evergreen God. There is never a dry season with Him.

74. Chi N’ri Ekele

  • Meaning: The GOD who eats Praise. It is popularly believed that what God feeds on is praises from His people.
  • Commonly Used: In worship or praising God. It is a way of saying that God alone deserves all praises or worship.

75. Aka ji Uwa

  • Meaning: The hand that holds the world
  • Commonly Used: As a way of acknowledging God as the controller of the universe and everything in it.

76. Agbanwe Agbanwe

  • Meaning: The unchangeable God.
  • Commonly Used: In worship. The Igbos believe humans change, nature and seasons change but it is believed that God doesn’t change, thus using this name in worship is a way of acknowledging the unchanging nature of God.

77. Olile Anya Nke Ndi Nso

  • Meaning: The Hope of the righteous
  • Commonly Used: This name is commonly used by Igbo Christians as a way of reminding themselves that God is their hope both in this life and in the next.

78. Aka Na Agwo Oria

  • Meaning: The hand that heals. The Igbos believe that no sickness stands uncured when presented to God.
  • Commonly Used: In worship and when believing God for healing

79. Onye Nwem

  • Meaning: The God that owns me. This name is born out of the belief that God owns everyone on earth because he created them.
  • Commonly Used: In worship and as a way of acknowledging God as “Chukwu” (creator of the universe and every man)

80. Chi Ka Dibia

  • Meaning: The God who is greater and more powerful than native doctors.
  • Commonly Used: This name is commonly used in praising and worshipping God, acknowledging God as the only powerful God who the witch/native doctors are not his match at all. It is also used when entreating Him to act on one’s behalf as the All-Powerful

81. Okaka

  • Meaning: The Mighty One
  • Commonly Used: People use the name when they need God’s deliverance or to save them or just when in absolute worship or awe of him.

82. Okariri Ihe Asi Na Obu

  • Meaning: The GOD who is greater than what people call Him
  • Commonly Used: People prefer to use the name when they are in absolute worship or awe of Him, the name suggests that God is more than what humans can ever imagine him to be.

83. Chi di Omimi

  • Meaning: The God whose depth cannot be comprehended.
  • Commonly Used: The name is born out of the belief that God works in mysterious ways and can not be comprehended. When in absolute worship or awe of him, the name suggests that God is more than what humans can ever imagine him to be.

84. Chi di Ukwu

  •  Meaning: The God who is great
  • Commonly Used: As a way of acknowledging God’s greatness

85. Obim na Obi

  • Meaning: The God who lives in my heart
  • Commonly Used: When expressing God’s love for one or when in awe of God’s love.

86. Akwa Akwuru

  • Meaning: The unmoveable God. The unshakable God.
  • Commonly Used: To show the unchanging nature, He is solid and can’t be moved by time and season like me.

87. Ike ka Ike

  • Meaning: The one whose power is greater than every other power. He cannot be contended with
  • Commonly Used: In praise and worship, acknowledging God as the all-powerful

88. Onye Ike Nile di N’aka

  • Meaning: The one who holds all power in his hands. All power belongs to him
  • Commonly Used: In praise and worship, acknowledging God as the all-powerful, every other power is subject to His own

89. Akpo Aza

  • Meaning: The one who answers whenever He is called upon. The God that answers.
  • Commonly Used: In praise and worship as a way of acknowledging God as the prayer-answering God.

90. Agbakwuru Ezurike

  • Meaning: The God whom you run to and find rest. The peace giver
  • Commonly Used: In praise and worship, acknowledging God as the Prince of Peace. You find peace with him every time

91. Ochiri Ozuo

  • Meaning: The God who gathered the whole earth and provides for them all. The provider
  • Commonly Used: In praise and worship, acknowledging God as the great provider

92. O di Mma na Emere Umu ya Mma

  • Meaning: The good God who also does good for his children
  • Commonly Used: In praise and worship, acknowledging God as a good God. It is also used in prayer when entreating God to provide for his own.

93. Nna Ndi N’enweyi Nna

  • Meaning: The father of the fatherless.
  • Commonly Used: The name designates God as the defender of the fatherless. The one who provides for them, thus, it’s commonly used by the fatherless or those who feel alone in prayer, entreating him to come to their rescue either to defend or provide.

94. Nne Ndi N’enweyi Nne

  • Meaning: Mother to the motherless.
  • Commonly Used: The name designates God as the mother to the motherless. The one who cares for them. Thus, it’s commonly used by the motherless those who feel alone and helpless, entreating Him to come to their rescue.

95. Ugwu Nyiri Onye Oso

  • Meaning: The great mountain that can’t be climbed. That means he is unbeatable. Whoever tries to go against God loses.
  • Commonly Used: In praise and worship, acknowledging God as the unbeatable God

96. Otu Aka N’eru Mba

  • Meaning: The hand that reaches the whole earth. The hand that provides for the whole world.
  • Commonly Used: In praise and worship, acknowledging God as the provider

97. Abum Ihe m bu

  • Meaning: l am that l am. Meaning that God is who He says He is.
  • Commonly Used: The name shows God’s ability to defend his personality and is commonly used when worshipping God.

98. Anya m Ji Ahu Uzo

  • Meaning: The eyes l see with.
  • Commonly Used: In praise and worship acknowledging God as one gives revelation to his own.

99. Ahihia Nwuru Oku, Mana Ahiha Ereghi Oku

  • Meaning: The burning bush that can never be consumed.
  • Commonly Used: In praise and worship, acknowledging his miracles and wonders

100. Ikem Ji Aba Mba

  • Meaning: My authority.
  • Commonly Used: In prayer, acknowledging God as the one backing you up.

Individuals reverence God with names based on their personal encounter and the level of relationship they have with God. This can equally be exemplified even in other languages where people call God a different kind of name based on the encounter with God and what he has done for them individually.

Which of these names of almighty God in Igbo did you like the most? Share your opinion in comments and do not forget to send this important info to your friends and family.

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